¿Y te ganas la vida con esto?

And you make a living from this?

And you make a living from this?


In case you're wondering too,
Or did you wonder at some point?
Or you will wonder

It is a recurring question
Very recurrent
What do they usually do to me?
And according to what is stated in Social Security
And in the Spanish Treasury

It seems to be
I make a living with this

In any case,

I understand that it is a question
Without any malice
And from complete ignorance
And curiosity

And to many,
Their asses are left crooked
With the answer

I don't really know what the surprise is,

Let someone live from what he likes
Someone lives off their own business
Someone should live off art
Or that someone lives from crafts

Any of the options,
It worries me too

It's not all about the 9-to-5 office
Not at all
And of course,
Nothing against it,
You already know it

Well, that's it.

Sunday 24th,
At 19:00!!


And yes,
I do it
To earn a living

And also to pay taxes,
Don't forget it

But mainly,
For the first thing

And because I feel like it,
That too,
And a lot

Maybe I'd like more
To earn a living
Maybe that's why,
I win it

Well that's it

Living off what you do is possible,
It's here

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