No lo suelo hacer, de verdad

I don't usually do it, really.

Quite an event that I don't usually do

And it's not a discount,
If it's what you expected

To take the subway,
I mean

In the short journey of 19 minutes
Back home:

- A couple was kissing each other sweetly

- Another couple was arguing in a low voice
I didn't understand what it was about
But sometimes a face says more
That any word

- A man with Parkinson's
I saw tiktok

- A girl who was waiting standing
I was looking at her ass
In the reflection of the door glass
Well fitted in sports tights

- A couple of guys
That had nothing to do with it
With each other
They were watching a football match on their cell phone
I imagine it's important,
For them

- A girl sat on the floor
And in the background,
A baby was crying inconsolably

- A woman was yawning
until the wisdom teeth show,

- And a guy leaning against the wall
I created a perfect L
While looking at the cell phone

His neck and his body
They formed one of those angles
That Pythagoras himself would envy

- And many others
They had their gaze fixed on a screen
As if what was happening
Around you
I didn't have much to do with them.

A normal journey I imagine

You may find it peculiar
Maybe you haven't stopped to observe

My stop and I got off

Well, that's it.

Olive Center

In one piece

This is not about giving lessons
As a good friend of mine would say

This is about observing

Because if you observe
one of these pieces

With care
With love and delicacy
How things really look

I assure you,

You will see them again the same way

And now,
Look at the header photo

Stop, look,
It's here

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