La IA y los textos

AI and texts

You should write the texts with AI

That's what a colleague told me

And I bristled
Like when a cat sees a cucumber


It won't be me
Who turns his back on technology

I write this on social media
With a mobile phone
And internet connection
For you to enter an e-commerce
And place an order online

Reject technology,
It would be hypocritical at the very least.

And believe me that is
It is not one of my intentions

That being said,

I'll tell you
Why I don't use AI
And I'm not going to use it either.
And I'm going to give you just 1 reason

1 clear and simple reason,

And above all
1 reason

Well, that's it,

Ebonized Sapele Center

In 5 or 10 years
90% of businesses will use AI

That's what I believe

And that is more than enough reason.
For me to do
Just the opposite

It's that simple

To me when I was little
They taught me 2 things

1 - To give thanks
2 - To go against the grain

And I try to apply both.

Thank you!

Non-serialized and non-industrialized parts
It is here,

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