Compraron un centro y me encargaron unos servidores

They bought a center and commissioned me some servers

They bought a salad bowl

From Sapele

An amazing piece
And when they received it they loved it,
That's normal
Nothing strange so far


They asked me
If I could do it for you
Matching servers

Because a salad bowl,
Like that,
Deserves some servers
Like these

It's like drinking Moët & Chandon
In a cardboard cup
What do you mean?

But best of all,
I explained to them
With words
How would they be?

Because I had no images
To teach them

And now,

When you receive them
They're going to freak out
Because I believe
That are not expected
Something so beautiful

Well, that's it.

Sapeli Servers 30cm

And it is that,
That's the best
That the words
And if you rush me
Even the photos

They fall short
But very short

And I'm not exaggerating

Because these servers
They are a spectacle
But until you have them,
You touch them
And you see them up close

You can't imagine
How beautiful they are
And the touch they have

And if you don't believe me,
Check it out for yourself
It is here,

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